Mayor on the Block

Yesterday, we welcomed Mayor Malik Evans to Aquinas to discuss the future of AQ at Dewey Avenue and the development projects for the surrounding area. The future's looking bright!

New initiatives are underway, including the construction of our neighbor, the Maplewood Library. The Maplewood Library is the most-used library in Rochester, so we are excited for its renovation and development. One of the enhancements of the library is a brand-new outdoor playground for everyone to enjoy.

As stated by the Mayor's Team:

Mayor Evans is committed to investing in Rochester’s Maplewood Neighborhoods to preserve its unique and historic sense of place. This begins with empowering residents to take an active role in shaping the future development of their neighborhood.

Capital investments that are underway or planned for the area include:

  • The expansion of the Maplewood Library is underway, with an estimated completion date in the winter of 2026.
  • Construction of the new Maplewood Nature Center and playground in Maplewood Park is set to begin later this year, with an anticipated completion date in late 2025 or early 2026.
  • A new design for the realignment of Dewey Avenue and Emerson Street is taking shape, with a goal to remove the off-set intersection in a similar fashion to the recent realignment of Dewey Avenue and Driving Park. Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in 2026.
  • A Parks Master Plan is being developed, which will guide investments to upgrade to La Grange and Edgerton Parks.

Meanwhile, the Neighborhood Service Center is actively working with the Maplewood Neighborhood Association to beautify Dewey Avenue with additional amenities to the streets and sidewalks and encouraging business owners to improve the aesthetic appearance of their facades.

President Dave Eustis took to the podium to talk about Aquinas’ Class of 2025 marking the 100th graduating class since our arrival on Dewey Avenue, before introducing Head of Security Jeff LaFave, who discussed our recent safety enhancements in an effort to maintain our high level of security.

After hearing from our Mayor about a few other exciting developments we can expect (such as the new Nature Center), together, we went on a neighborhood stroll as part of the Mayor on the Block. Mayor on the Block is an initiative Mayor Evans has undertaken in years past where he introduces himself to businesses and store managers, and engages with the community. The hope is that the walk will spark new ideas to further connect our community and inspire a safe environment for all.

We look forward to the years to come at AQ and are grateful for our Mayor and his support!