Athletic Placement Process
The Advanced Placement Process is coach driven. An athlete will only play up based on the coach's recommendation. Any player to be considered for Freshmen, JV and Varsity level must demonstrate mental, physical and emotional maturity to play at the advance level.
Please note that APP is in addition to the regular requal process and a current physical along with a doctor's permission is necessary. APP is completely separate from Requals and the school nurse does not administer any part of the APP process. Any questions regarding APP should be directed to the coach and/or the athletic office.
If your child is recommended by his or her coach to play up at the Freshmen, JV or Varsity level, he or she must complete the following process:
First: A doctor needs to give permission and his/her tanner scale needs to be on par with the sport.
Second: The parent consent form must be completed.
Third: A physical test is scheduled and administered. Please refer to the APP Physical Test document on this page for more information.
To read more about the Advanced Placement Process, please refer to the Complete Guide to APP document on this page.