The Arts » Theatre


The Aquinas Theatre Program invites our students center stage! Whether you’re acting, singing, and dancing onstage, or building sets, costumes, and props backstage, there is a place for all skills and experience levels for grades 6-12. Rehearsals and set builds are held after school and in the evenings.

Each year, Aquinas presents a three-show theatrical season. Our fall play (non-musical) takes the mainstage each November. Our middle school shines in their own winter musical. And finally, our high school cast presents a show-stopping musical each spring. Students are immersed in a wide range of genres from contemporary shows (past shows include Puffs, Legally Blonde, and She Kills Monsters) to literary classics (Oliver!, Charlotte’s Web, Dracula), to Shakespeare (Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and The Tempest).

Behind the scenes, students can find their passion in our stage crew. Through hands-on professional and peer-led training, they learn to build sets, program lights, design costumes and props, and run sound equipment. Many of our graduates have gone on to become theater professionals or active members of community theaters. And for those who simply want to be involved in our AQ theatre community, the friendships and bonds last forever.

Beyond the mainstage season, students further develop their craft through workshops and field trips. Our students have travelled to NYC, London, and Canada’s renowned Stratford Festival to enjoy performances, tours, and masterclasses.

In the classroom, our middle schoolers learn the elements of storytelling and collaborative performance, while our high schoolers dive into the world of theatre through classes like Introduction to Theatre and Introduction to Production, Dramatics, Acting, and Public Speaking.

Additionally, our students attend the annual New York State Theatre Education Association (NYSTEA) Student Conference in the Catskills where theatre professionals from New York City and the East coast, along with college theatre programs, hold varied workshops over a three-day period.

Theatre has been an integral part of Aquinas's rich tradition of excellence since its inception. Our dedicated cast and crew deliver captivating performances for audiences spanning multiple generations, including parents, grandparents, and even great-grandparents who once graced the same stage.