The Arts » Instrumental & Vocal Music

Instrumental & Vocal Music

Be heard and bring your musical creativity to life! At Aquinas, we believe that everyone is capable of making beautiful music and benefits from a deep and purposeful engagement with the performing arts. Our music philosophy prioritizes skill-building and a language-based model of music teaching, so no matter if you have prior experience or want to get started with playing an instrument or singing, our program has a place for you. We offer large and small ensemble classes, individual solo performance opportunities, and work closely with the Theater department to produce our stage musicals for both the Middle School and High School. 

Instrumental Music

The Aquinas Instrumental Music Program offers a wide variety of opportunities and courses for musicians, including: Beginning Instrumental Music Program, Middle School Band, Concert Band, Jazz Improv, and History of Rock 'n' Roll. All courses meet during the day except Jazz Improv, which meets once per week after school.

Vocal Music

The Aquinas Vocal Music Program promotes the idea that everyone can sing, regardless of prior experience. Singing is a gift from God that enriches our society, our community, and ourselves. The Aquinas Middle School General Music classes provide a foundation in appropriate and healthy vocal technique and production, while our Middle School Chorus offers students the opportunity to sing a wide range of musical repertoire with their peers in two- and three-part harmonies. Our award-winning High School Concert and Advanced Choirs build on those skills to perform professional-quality selections at our Winter and Spring Concerts. High School voice students also serve as worship leaders during School Mass celebrations and other landmark events and ceremonies throughout the year!