Privacy Policy » Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy



The Aquinas Institute has created this statement to demonstrate our firm commitment to your privacy with respect to information collected from this website. Your use of this website constitutes your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and your consent to the practices it describes. This is a website-only Privacy Policy and does not apply to the handling of your personal data collected by the Aquinas Institute or its affiliates/owner-operators by means other than this website.


Personally Identifiable Information


Personally Identifiable Information is any information that concerns you individually and would permit someone to contact you, for example, your name, address, telephone/fax number, email address or any information you submit to that identifies you individually.


We do not collect personally identifying information about you when you visit our site, unless you choose to provide such information to us. Providing such information is strictly voluntary. This policy is your guide to how we will handle information we learn about you from your visit to our website.


You can visit and browse the Aquinas Institute website without revealing personally identifiable information about yourself. You may also choose to disclose personally identifiable information about yourself, which may be maintained as described below. This website may collect personally identifiable information about you by methods such as the following:


  • Online Donations — If you complete an online donation form and share your personally identifying information, this information will be used only to provide you with more targeted content. We may use your contact information to send further information about our organization or to contact you when necessary. You may always opt-out of receiving future mailings; see the "Opt Out" section below.
  • Transactions and Activity — If you become a registered user or if you conduct transactions through this website, we will collect information about the transactions you engage in while on the website and your other activity on the site. This information may include, without limitation, areas of the website that you visit, transaction type, content that you view, download or submit, transaction amount, payment, and billing information as well as the nature, quantity and price of the goods or services you exchange and the individuals or entities with whom you communicate or transact business.
  • Email and Other Voluntary Communications — You may also choose to communicate with us through email, via our website, by telephone, in writing, or through other means. We use personally identifying information from these communications primarily to respond to your requests. We may forward your email to other employees who are better able to answer your questions. We may also use your email to contact you in the future regarding items of interest.


Information Use


Aquinas Institute may use the personally identifiable information collected through its website primarily for such purposes as:


  • helping to establish and verify the identity of users;
  • opening, maintaining, administering and servicing users’ accounts or memberships;
  • processing, servicing or enforcing transactions and sending related communications;
  • providing services and support to users;
  • improving the website, including tailoring it to users’ preferences;
  • responding to your questions inquiries, comments and instructions;
  • maintaining the security and integrity of its systems.


Disclosure of Information


The Aquinas Institute does not provide personally identifiable information to unaffiliated third parties for their use in marketing directly to you. Aquinas may use unaffiliated companies to help it maintain and operate its website or for other reasons related to the operation of its business, and those companies may receive your personally identifiable information for that purpose. Aquinas may also disclose personally identifiable information about you in connection with legal requirements, such as in response to an authorized subpoena, governmental request or investigation, or as otherwise permitted by law.


Non-Personally Identifiable Information


When you visit the Aquinas Institute website, we collect and store certain anonymous information about your visit, which may include: the name of the domain from which you access the Internet (for example,, if you are connecting from an America Online account or if you are connecting from Princeton University's domain), the date and time you access our site, and the Internet address of the Web site from which you linked to our site. This information is not personally identifiable. We use the information we collect to measure the number of visitors to the different sections of our site, and to help us make our site more useful to visitors.




The Aquinas Institute maintains physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to help guard personally identifiable information. If transactions are offered on the site, transaction information is transmitted to and from the Aquinas Institute in encrypted form using industry-standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connections to help protect such information from interception. Aquinas restricts authorized access to your personal information to those persons who have a legitimate purpose to know that information to provide products or services to you and those persons you have authorized to have access to such information. Please be aware, however, that any email or other transmission you send through the internet cannot be completely protected against unauthorized interception.


Privacy Regulations


Personal contact information for students, parents and employees, including home and e-mail addresses, telephone numbers and other information that could be used by unauthorized individuals will not be published on the public areas of the site. Student and parent contact information is available only to parents, students, and employees. Personal contact information for faculty and staff is only accessible to employees.


Children’s Privacy


For children who visit our site, special rules apply. We do not request personal information about children, such as first and last name or street address and city. If/when children send email to us, their online contact information (email address) is not maintained in retrievable form.


Opt-Out or Change Your Contact Information


Our site provides users the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from us. You may choose to receive only specific communications or none at all. You may update your contact information previously provided to us by contacting the Registrar. You cannot remove yourself from our database, but you can prevent unwanted communication.






The Aquinas Institute website serves as a resource for individuals both inside and outside of the Aquinas community. The site functions as a central means of communication among faculty, staff, parents, students, and alumni. Prospective families are also included in its target audience. Users are able to access up-to-date news, calendars, and schedules. The School’s philosophy, history, curriculum, admissions materials, and campus maps are also available on the website, as are employment listings.


A Webmaster has been appointed to serve as the monitor of the site. The Webmaster is charged with regularly reviewing the School’s web pages to ensure that the information presented is accurate, consistent, and up-to-date, and that design elements are uniform. In addition, the Webmaster serves as the contact for any “visitors” who have questions about the site. The Webmaster works with the Director of Public Relations and the website development company the School contracts with.


The Webmaster also maintains direct contact with each division and office of the School to ensure that the needs of their constituencies are being recognized and carried out. The Webmaster assists with the creation, publishing, maintenance and updating of an office or division’s web pages. However, each office and division is responsible for reviewing its section of the site for currency of information and conformity with style regulations. Faculty, students, and staff should direct comments, concerns, questions, suggestions, and requests concerning the site to the Webmaster.


Maintenance of Website Content


In order that the site serves as a reliable resource for prospective students and employees, as well as for parents, current students, alumni, faculty, and staff, it must contain timely information. Each office and division must review and maintain its section of the website and work to ensure that it is properly updated.


Persons wishing to post announcements on the home page should submit their request in writing to the Webmaster. Such postings are at the discretion of the Webmaster.


Class pages are created by faculty members in all departments. They may use their pages to post homework assignments, syllabi, class resources, photos, and other information for their classes.


Team and club pages are created by an appointed representative of that team or club. They may use their pages to post game and practice schedules, team/club news, rosters and the like.


Photographs on the site are changed on a regular basis by the Webmaster and the appropriate offices and divisions of the School.


Constituent Portals


The Aquinas Institute website contains three password-protected portals intended to facilitate communication within and between its parent, student, and employee communities.


Faculty/Staff Portal


The Faculty/Staff portal serves as a resource and communication tool for Aquinas employees. It includes electronic versions of such items as the Employee Handbook, and various Human Resources forms.  Employees may also access customized calendars, news, class pages, and moderated club, sports and activities pages.


Parent Portal


The parent portal serves as a resource and communication tool to keep Aquinas parents up-to-date on school events, activities, athletics, and other news. Parents can view academic, team or school calendars, access monthly newsletters, update their personal profile and important information regarding their children. In addition, parents may also access their children's pages, which contain their classes, grades, clubs, sports, activities and so much more!


Student Portal


This student portal serves as a resource and communication tool to keep Aquinas students up-to-date on academics, school events, activities, athletics, and other news. Students may access customized calendars, news, class pages, view grades, and access the clubs, sports, and activities pages of those they're involved in.


Use of Links


The Aquinas Institute website may contain links to other servers, not maintained or related to the Aquinas Institute, which may contain information of interest to our readers. These links are provided as a service to users and may or may not be affiliated with Aquinas. We take no responsibility for, and exercise no control over, the organizations, views, or accuracy of the information contained on other servers. Websites that are accessible by hyperlinks from the Aquinas Institute website may use cookies. Aquinas encourages you to read the privacy statements provided by other websites before you provide personally identifiable information to them. Aquinas does not implicitly endorse third-party sites hyper-linked to this website. Creating text links from other websites to our site does not require permission.




The advertising or direct sale of non-School related goods and services is prohibited on all sections of the Aquinas Institute website. This also applies to personal web pages that are hosted by the School’s site.




Posting or providing access to material that violates the copyrights of others is prohibited. No copyrighted materials, including educational materials subject to copyright, may be posted anywhere on the Aquinas Institute website, or on personal web pages hosted by Aquinas, without the authorization of the copyright owner. Knowingly providing links to websites that contain pirated materials is also prohibited. Anyone who repeatedly violates this rule may lose the right to have his or her materials hosted by Aquinas or posted on the School’s website.


Questions about our policies


As we continuously improve and expand our services this policy might change so please check it periodically. If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, your dealings with this website, or have suggestions on how to make the site more accessible please contact us at [email protected].

To learn more about how Aquinas handles personal data, please read our General Data Protection Privacy Policy: