Counseling Center » Counseling Center

Counseling Center

Welcome to the Counseling Center at the Aquinas Institute!

As part of Aquinas’ motto of, “teach me goodness, discipline, and knowledge,” our staff offers a wealth of support and guidance, both in-and-out of the classroom, for all students. Our American School Counseling Association (ASCA) approved curriculum offers guidance in both academic and socioemotional support, to help create a well-rounded program designed to promote success.

To help our students prepare for success in their post-secondary education, we place an emphasis on the following:

  • Providing resources to help students emerge in a digitally responsible environment with confidence;

  • Navigating academics to help build knowledge and demonstrate growth as part of the Capstone Graduation requirements;

  • Preparing to utilize interpersonal skills and strengths to make an impact in the community; and,

  • Developing communication skills to find success in their future endeavors, among others.

The Aquinas Middle School Counseling curriculum focuses heavily on identifying strengths and weaknesses through survey usage and small-group activities. Teachers work in conjunction with counselors to help identify barriers to success and create well-rounded interventions, designed to enhance the whole being. The High School curriculum builds on this foundation and allows students the opportunity to self-reflect, identify motivators, develop communication and interview skills, and set goals, among other topics.

As a college preparatory institution, we place a strong emphasis on the college search process and post-secondary education. Our process begins in middle school, where PSAT scores, Naviance surveys, and career day forums are built into daily activity. This continues to evolve in high school where students are learning to build and enhance their resumes by regularly meeting with college admissions representatives, career development services are utilized through alumni, and growth is demonstrated through the Capstone Research Project.

We strive for a well-rounded, thorough development so that Aquinas students are prepared to make an impact on those around them. As a graduate of the class of 2008, I am extremely proud of the community we are building at Aquinas – I encourage you to take advantage of all of our resources so that you feel that same level of fulfillment and follow us on our Aquinas Counseling Instagram page.

Aquinas Evermore!