International Students » International Students

International Students

Welcome to Aquinas!

The Aquinas Institute's commitment to global readiness is evidenced by the growth of its international program in just the past few years. Most recently, we welcomed international students representing such countries as: China, Brazil, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Morocco, South Korea, and Spain. 

The cultural diffusion that takes place between our students and the international students who have chosen Aquinas is extraordinary, but beyond the social acculturation, international students also benefit from immersion in the English language, and a level of college readiness that will prepare them for post-secondary education at top universities in the U.S. and around the world.


We accept students on F-1 and J-1 visas. If you are interested in attending Aquinas as an international student, one of the first things you need to decide is if you plan on graduating with an Aquinas diploma or receiving a certificate of participation. To graduate, you must attend Aquinas for a minimum of 2 years and fulfill the graduation requirements found in the Course of Studies booklet. We accept students through a variety of agencies. If you are in need of an agency, please check out the agencies we currently work with and recommend below.

To be considered for admission, the Associate Director of Advancement for Enrollment will review your academic profile provided by your placement agency. Please make sure your report cards have US equivalents so it can be properly evaluated. Students are required to take one of the following English proficiency exams: TOEFL or ELTIS. The following minimum scores are required for each exam:


Once you arrive in Rochester the Associate Director of Advancement for Enrollment will need to review your final report card from the current school year as well as your immunization records. Both must have US equivalents.

New York State has strict guidelines regarding immunization records that must be met. New York State immunization requirements must be met in order to enroll at Aquinas. For more information, please visit the Monroe County website regarding their immunization program, which provides vaccinations at low or no cost to individuals.

Tuition 2025-2026

Aquinas Middle School, Grades 6-8 & Aquinas High School, Grades 9-12 $16,800

For More Information

Interested in Hosting?

We are always looking for families to host our international students. If interested, please contact (585) 254-2020, Ext. 1071.