Sports Recertification
Student athletes who wish to play a sport at Aquinas are required to requalify with the school nurse prior to each sports season in which they will be participating.
We now offer families the convenience of completing the athletic requalification process online through FamilyID. FamilyID is a secure platform that provides you with an easy, user-friendly way to requalify and helps AQ to be more efficient and environmentally responsible. When you register through FamilyID, the system keeps track of your information in your FamilyID profile. You will enter information only once for each family member for multiple uses and multiple programs.
It will be helpful to have the following information on hand to allow for accurate completion of your online requalification:
Physical Form - completed by student's healthcare provider. Physicals must be up-to-date within one year of requals.
Doctor's Note - for any student athlete who self-carries medication for asthma/allergies etc.
Post COVID Return to Play Form - Students who are 12 years and older, who have had COVID and who are returning to competitive sports must go through ta return to play process. Once cleared by a physician this process can begin. If applicable, please complete the form located on this page under printable forms.
Health Insurance Information
Student ID#
When you're ready to get started, click: REGISTER NOW >>
If you have any issues, please reach out to the FamilyID support desk at (781) 205-2800 x1.